Вот именно за это я люблю wbss21. Да, она пишет джен, но при этом ей удается сохранить эту связь между персонажами, которая лично меня интересует куда больше секса.
Я бы и вовсе жила дженом, будь он вот таким, но на моей памяти лишь несколько авторов подходили к этому вот так. А жаль, жаль.
Хотя я рада, что один из последних проектов автора обещает все-таки реальный слэш. Она отлично пишет, а у меня сейчас настроение почитать что-нибудь по комиксовской вселенной.
Парочка цитат (серьезно? джен? трудно поверить):
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And then finally, slowly, he began to pull his arm out from beneath him, starting to lean back, away.
And the Joker reached up, without hesitation, surprisingly quick.
And it was like something hot, flaring against Bruce's skin as the long, thin fingers brushed lightly against his exposed jaw, the tips following the curve of it, feeling the slight beginnings of stubble across his chin.
He felt himself frozen, paralyzed to the spot as the Joker continued exploring his face, fingers tickling almost painfully soft over his lips then, and higher, over what was visible of his cheeks, higher still, to now covered flesh.
And where there'd been a glistening curiosity in his eyes before, a vague smile, the madman's expression abruptly fell disappointed, mouth pulling in to a just noticeable frown.
"Show me your face." He breathed quietly, almost…
Bruce didn't move, filled now with uncertainty, unable to keep it from his face as be stared back, thin fingers still resting against his cheek.
And the Joker saw the hesitation in his eyes, the concern, and his own lips pulled back up, smiling softly.
"Since we're in the process of bonding…" he went on quietly, smile turning to an oddly playful grin.
Until Bruce had removed the mask completely, bringing it down and placing it on to his lap, looking back at the madman, staring in seeming amazement, as though disbelieving of what he saw.
Bruce waited, his heart beating suddenly louder in his ears…
Suddenly faster…
And the Joker's lips at once pulled up in to a smile, turning then to a grin, like uncontainable excitement…
Without warning, his hand reached up again, his long palm resting against Bruce's cheek, cupping it gently.
And he breathed out, his voice almost too quiet to hear, a hushed whisper…
"Oh Batsy," he said, voice thick with astonishment. "those magazine do you no justice at all".